Senior full-stack Developer

As I'm a senior full-stack Web Developer with over 7 years of experience, if you have an idea then I will make sure it's implemented perfectly.

My primary skill set includes
- React / Next (Redux/Mobx) with JS / TS,
- React Native, Koa.JS, RTC Server,
- Vue / Quasar / Nuxt, Svelte,
- Node / Express / Nest, Python / Django, DRF.

I have a strong expertise in Software development life cycle from modeling to deployment.


About me

Senior Full-Stack Developer

I hope my profile explains my full-stack skills and experiences on Web development for more than 7 years of hands-on efficiently coding websites and applications using modern technologies.

  • React/Redux, Mobx, Next, Vue, Svelte, Quasar with JS/TS
  • React Native for IOS + Android, Koa.JS + MongoDB for Backend Service, RTC server, React/Redux + Redux-Saga middleware, Persistor/localforage, for store management.
  • Material-UI, Tailwind-CSS, Antd, Styled-Component
  • Python/Django, DRF, Node/Express, PHP, Laravel on back-end
  • Integral Roles with front-end and back-end
  • Punctuality, Responsive, Pixel Perfect and Fast Learner


My previous work experiences


Here are my representative projects


My Satisfied Clients Recommendations

Contact me

Please send me your info in this form


Kuangqian Street, Ganjingzi District, Dalian, Liaoning, China


Call on me

(+86) 151 4058 0253

Style Switcher